Real Estate

Our law firm is well-known for its outstanding law practice in real estate area. We can provide all services on this area except for licensing application. Based on property type, our service includes in land and building, spatial, infrastructure, housing and flats, commercial buildings, industrial area, environment, and construction services. While based on work type, our service includes in purchase of property asset or company, legal due diligence, legal opinion, property financing, land procurement, property development, property management, land and building ownership disputes, lawsuits at state administrative courts, property management disputes, construction work contract disputes, imposition of mortgage rights, property leasing disputes, draft and review contracts related to property such as joint ventures, joint operations, construction work contracts, build-operate-transfer contracts, contracts to purchase property asset and property company as well as housing and commercial building lease.


  • Representing PT Takenaka Indonesia (part of Takenaka Corporation) in reviewing draft of subcontract agreement;
  • Representing PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (a state-owned information and communications technology enterprise and telecommunications network in Indonesia) in giving legal analysis on delivery of land to a church and on a legality of its asset;
  • Representing PT Cushman& Wakefield Indonesia (is a leading global real estate in the world) in reviewing and translate several contracts that will be used for Indonesia’s project;
  • Representing PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk to provide legal opinion on former land owner status in two strategically located lands;
  • Representing PT Jabil Circuit Indonesia in providing advisory on the interpretation of Lease Agreement;
  • Representing PT Pembangunan Deltamas (part of Sinarmas Land Group) in providing advisory service on land procurement, including accompanying the client from the start until completion of the land relinquishment;
  • Representing PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (part of Pertamina Group) in performing legal due diligence of an asset namely land and manufacturing facility for gas;
  • Representing PT Bank BNI Syariah in giving a legal opinion in relation to shariah financing over a condominium;
  • Representing PT China Harbour Jakarta Real Estate Development (part of China Communications Construction Company Group) on ongoing legal advisory services, including preparation of sales package documents for its new project in Daan Mogot;
  • Representing PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (has become PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia, Tbk) in reviewing and revising an office lease agreement;


  • PT Takenaka Indonesia
  • PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk
  • PT Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia
  • PT Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk
  • PT Jabil Circuit Indonesia
  • PT Pembangunan Deltamas (part of Sinarmas Land Group)
  • PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
  • PT Bank BNI Syariah
  • PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (has become PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia, Tbk)
  • PT China Harbour Jakarta Real Estate Development

Press Release


Certificate as Proof of Land Ownership

Risks over the Land Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Right to Buy-back

The Assignment of Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement of An Apartment

Certificate of Feasible Function under Local Regulation of DKI Jakarta Number 7 of 2010 on Building

Carbon Trading as Climate Change Mitigation in Indonesia


Syarat dan Ketentuan Pembangunan dan Pengembangan – Bangunan Gedung

Syarat dan Ketentuan Pembangunan dan Pengembangan – Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman

Syarat dan Ketentuan Pembangunan dan Pengembangan – Kawasan Industri

Real Estate Insights in Your Ears: Must-Hear Podcasts

Welcome to our podcast series, "Navigating Indonesian Real Estate Law," designed to provide listeners with a deep understanding of the intricate legal landscape surrounding land in Indonesia. Each episode in this series explores essential aspects of Konsepsi Hukum Tanah Nasional and the fundamental principles of land law.

Join us on this educational journey as we demystify Indonesian Real Estate Law. Whether you are a legal professional, a property owner, or simply interested in understanding the legal underpinnings of land in Indonesia, this podcast series is your comprehensive guide.

Real Property Jurisprudences
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Hukum Properti
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Efektivitas Ketentuan SP3L Terhadap Perolehan Tanah Di Wilayah DKI Jakarta
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Real Estate Law (Chapter I)
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Property And Trust Law In indonesia
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Panduan Praktis Hukum Properti
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Real Estate – Getting The Deal Through
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Arrangements Resembling Trusts under Indonesian Land Law
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Law Number 5 of 1960 on Fundamental Provision of Principals on Agrarian
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Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Rumah Susun
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