Early 2014, in February, the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number 01/PRT/M/2014 on Standard Minimum Service on Public Works and Space Layout (SPM) was promulgated. SPM means the terms on the type and quality of basic services on public works and space layout constituting obligatory affairs of the region that every individual has the right to obtain. This regulation revokes the previous regulation of 2010.

Provincial region

The provincial government shall provide 4 types of basic service on public works and space layout. The basic services will be implemented in phases with deadline of accomplishment up to 2019. The 4 types of basic service are, (i) water resources, supply of standard water for the people’s need, (ii) roads, provision of roads to serve the people’s need, (iii) construction service, development of information system on construction service, (iv) space layout, information on space layout. The SPM will be implemented in phases with deadline of accomplishment in the year of 2019. The Governor is responsible to implement SPM in provincial region.

Regency/Municipality region

The municipality/regency government shall provide similar four basic services with one additional service, namely “Cipta Karya”. Cipta Karya is part of the basic services on the supply of potable water, supply of sanitation, building layout and environment, and handling of dirty urban residential area. The SPM will be implemented in phases with deadline for accomplishment in the year of 2019. The Regent/Mayor is responsible to implement SPM in regency/municipality region. The five basic services for regency/municipality region as set out in the regulation also applies to DKI Jakarta.

Management and supervision

The Minister shall manage and supervise implementation of the technical matter of SPM. This technical matter of SPM will be implemented using facilities for capacity development in the form of general orientation, technical management, education and training, and/or other assistance based on the prevailing laws and regulations.

Monitoring and evaluation

The Minister shall monitor and evaluate the application and accomplishment of SPM exercised by the provincial government. The Governor as government’s representative shall monitor and evaluate the application and accomplishment of SPM in the regency/municipality government.

This regulation takes effect on 27 February 2014.

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