Transfer of Ownership of Foreign Shares

Background The application for transfer of ownership of foreign shares can be submitted either by foreign investment company or by domestic investment company. The transfer of ownership of foreign shares shall be conducted whenever there are changes in the company’s...

Cooperative Law In Indonesia

New Law Number 17 of 2012 on Cooperative has been promulgated on 30 October 2012 (“Cooperative Law”). This Cooperative Law has revoked the previous law of 1992. Establishment and Article of Association Cooperative consists of primary cooperative and secondary...

The Mineral and Coal Mining in Indonesia

Background  Formerly, mining was regulated with Law No. 11 of  1967 on Basic Regulation on Mining (“Law No. 11 of  1967″). But with the highly development  of  mining, nationally and internationally, Law No. 11 of 1967 is no longer suitable with the conditions...

Small Scale Mining Area

Background As explained in Article 1 (32) of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining (“Mining Law”), Small Scale Mining Area means a part of the mining zone (wilayah pertambangan) where small scale mining activities are performed. These areas are determined...