Leks&Co’s 13th Anniversary

Anniversary 13th Leks&Co on 30th March 2022. Little things and moments of happiness, difficulties, business and togetherness among us make our lives pleasant and perfect. So we did not waste our precious time of happy celebration and keep our moral,...

The Formal Condition of an Agreement

Different interpretations regarding the mandatory use of the Indonesian language in the agreement can be seen in the District Court of Amlapura decision, namely Decision Number 254/Pdt.G/2019/PN Amp. In this case, Ford (a British citizen) is married to Cheung (a...

The Application of Language Law on Agreement

In 2019, President of Indonesia published a President Decree Number 63 of 2019 on the Use of Indonesian Language (“President Decree”) which is the implementing regulation of Law Number 24 of 2009 on Flag, Language and State Symbol, as well as the National Anthem (the...