Jakarta, June 2021. Law of Principal on Agrarian has been applicable for more than 60 years in Indonesia. As its name, the lawmakers from the beginning only intended to promulgate fundamental provisions on agrarian sector, mostly on land.

The Law remains intact. No formal amendment or replacement to date. But since the promulgation of Law on Job Creation in 2020, some of its aspets are expanded. Prior to Job Creation Law, draft of Land Law was also discussed and almost promulgated by the lawmakers. But due to various reasons, it was postponed. It is unclear whether or not it will be promulgated later on especially since some provisions planned to be regulated in the draft of Land Law have been stipulated in the Job Creation Law.

The fundamental provisions of the law are intended to guide the lawmakers and the government when they issue or enact subsequent regulations to implement it. Those implementing regulations must surely conform to those fundamental provisions of the law. Reading and understanding the intent of the lawmakers are sometimes not easy, especially since this law is quite old. Translating it may cause distortion on the concept and understanding of its key terms. But since this law is important, the firm did it anyway to present and (hopefully) to promote the uniqueness of Indonesian agrarian law, particularly its land law. Eddy Leks, who has edited the English translation of this Law says that, “Translating law is not easy. This has been taking loads of our time including my time. Hope this translated version is beneficial to all people who would like to understand Indonesian agrarian law especially to those who do not understand Bahasa Indonesia.”

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Download this Unofficial English Translation of Law of Principal on Agrarian visit : www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com

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