Why Choose Us?

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Our Uniqueness

  • We are young, energetic, and creative lawyers, so that we can provide and deliver a fast and reliable legal service;
  • We emphasize the use of technology in delivering our service;
  • We continually improve our quality management system;
  • We emphasize our core values in providing and delivering our service;
  • Our office is strategically located at CBD area;
  • We have received numerous award and accolades from different sources;
  • We provide services to store client’s legal document in the online server, accessible by our client password protected;
  • We provide useful legal update knowledge through Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Slide Shares, and other resources;
  • We provide pro bono service for churches and social organizations, and international organizations through Trust Law Connect, run by Thomson Reuters Foundation and also through Mitra Klinik, group of pro bono providers at Hukumonline, leading legal news and education site in Indonesia;
  • We provide one (1) hour free consultation and free trial for retainer services within two (2) weeks;
  • We are the International Partner of China-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center;
  • We are member of (i) Eurojuris International, a leading worldwide network of law firms and (ii) International Chambers of Commerce.

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Our Quality Code

  • Assurance; knowledgeable and courteous attitude inspires trust and confidence;
  • Empathy; caring, individualized attention given to clients;
  • Reliability; ability to perform the promised services dependably and accurately;
  • Responsiveness; willingness to help clients and provide prompt service;
  • Tangibles; appearance of physical facilities, equipment and personnel.

Note: The quality code is adopted from a book titled Marketing Professional Services, authored by Philip Kotler, Thomas Hayes, and Paul N. Bloom.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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