On 23 August 2010, the Minister of Health has issued the Decree Number 1195/MENKES/SK/VIII/2010 of 2010 on the Accreditation Agency for the Hospital with International Quality Standards (“Decree“). The purpose of this Decree is to improve the quality of hospital services in Indonesia so that those hospitals are able to provide the international quality of services. To achieve such purpose, it is necessary to appoint the Accreditation Agency to conduct a periodical accreditation which will use the international standards.

It is stated in the second dictum of Decree that the Accreditation Agency must be accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (“ISQua“). ISQua is the international accreditation agency who has the authority to conduct the accreditation towards the accreditation agency.
In this matter, according to the third dictum of Decree, when the Accreditation Agency conducted a periodical accreditation to the hospital providing the international quality of hospital services, they must follow the standards and instruments issued by the ISQua. The purposes of those dictums are to ensure the accreditation processes follow the international standards.
If the hospital has already obtained the international accreditation, it is prohibited to include the words ‘international’ or ‘global’ after the name of hospital. Accordingly, in order to show that the hospital has already obtained the international accreditation, the accredited hospital is allowed to include the words international accredited (‘Terakreditasi Internasional’) or ‘international’ after the name of hospital with smaller letters. This is as set out in the fourth dictum of the Decree. Further, the hospital may also include the Accreditation Agency who conducts the accreditation and also the valid period of such accreditation.

Below is the example for the naming of international accredited hospital:

NAME OF HOSPITALNAME OF HOSPITAL, International (JCI accredited: 2010 – 2013)

International (JCI accredited: 2010 – 2013)

Jerry Shalmont

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