Media Indonesia LeksnCo Eddy leks

Media indonesia, a daily newspaper, published an opinion of Eddy Leks, CEO & Managing Partner of Leks&Co on 09 April 2019. This topic entilted as “Kaji Ulang Aturan Pemilihan P3SRS”. He explained the publication of Ministerial Regulation of PU-Pera Number 23 of 2018 on Association of Condominium Owners and Residents (“MR No. 23/2018”) and DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 132 of 2018 on Owned Condo Management Development (“GR No. 132/2018”) still have a long way to go. The reason is, there are still many contradictories to the rules above, which is Law Number 20 of 2011 on Condominium (“Law No. 20/2011”).

For example, Law No. 20/2011 does not mandate the P3SRS’ selection, on the contrary MR No. 23/2018 and GR No. 132/2018 states such provision precisely. “There is no legal basis as the reference to the concept of voting rights, whether in the minister or governor regulations”.

The government has made an improvement by amending the ministerial and governor regulations to be adjusted to Condominium Law. The government should also pay attention to the interests of other parties in a Condominium, such as developer.

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