Jakarta, September 2021. We are glad to announce that our firm, Leks&Co wins Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2021 on Real Estate by Asia Business Law Journal. ABLJ states that “The winners of Asia Business Law Journal’s Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2021 were selected based on votes, references and qualitative information received from in-house counsel and other legal professionals in Indonesia and around the worlds.”

Asia Business Law Journal, as part of Law.Asia reviews, “Considering the firm’s number of clients in corporate matters and the property industry, it is not surprising that Leks&Co is renowned for its real estate practices, both in litigation and non-litigation. The founder and managing partner, Eddy Leks, has extensive experience in construction and real estate projects in Indonesia, making him sought after for his legal expertise in these matters.” In addition, it says that, “The law firm also nurtures its clients by developing online resources on real estate law in Indonesia. Since the pandemic struck, the firm has been busy carrying a legal update webinar on the land law that focuses on new regulations.”

We thank for the support from all our clients and colleagues who has made this recognition possible.

Leks&Co is recommended on real estate, mergers acquisition, and commercial dispute resolution by Legal500, Benchmark Litigation, and asialaw Profiles, as well as Chambers. Eddy M. Leks, our Managing Partner is recognized as one of Indonesia’s top 100 lawyers by ABLJ.

If you have any queries, you may contact us through query@lekslawyer.com, visit our website www.lekslawyer.com or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., www.hukumproperti.com and www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com

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