





Last Friday, 5 August 2016, Mirza Aulia talked about Tax Amnesty in his presentation at Leks&Co office. Tax amnesty is regulated under the Law No. 11 of 2016 (“UU No. 11/2016”). UU No.11/2016 was promulgated to (i) accelerate the growth and restructuring of economic through the transfer of Treasure, which will have an impact on the increasing of domestic liquidity, improvement of the value of Rupiah exchange, decreasing the interest rates, and increasing the investment; (ii) encourage tax reform towards a more equitable tax system and the extension of the taxation data base which is more valid, comprehensive, and integrated; and (iii) increase tax revenues, inter alia, to be used to finance the development. 
The principles of tax amnesty are (i) paying in full all tax arrears for taxpayer who has not paid the obligation of taxation; (ii) releasing the taxpayer from the administrative and criminal sanction; and (iii) will not conduct the examination and crime investigation in the field of taxation. Furthermore, the implementation of tax amnesty are (i) disclosing the Treasure which is hidden by the taxpayer both in Indonesia or abroad; (ii) repatriating the taxpayer’s Treasure which is in abroad into Indonesian territory; and (iii) paying the Redemption Money in accordance with the rates stipulated in the tax amnesty law.
If you have any queries about Tax Amnesty, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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