Jakarta, September 2023. Our CEO and Managing Partner, Dr. Eddy Marek Leks, shared his insights to the students of Victory Plus School about the lawyer profession. Career day is an essential event aimed at providing students with valuable insights into various professions, including being a lawyer, fostering their career aspirations, and assisting them in shaping their future career choices.

Dr. Leks shared his personal experiences as well as steps to become a lawyer, skills and knowledge needed to be a lawyer, and tips to be a successful lawyer to allow students to gain first-hand knowledge about the challenges.

Eddy M. Leks is an Indonesian lawyer and arbitrator, recognized as a litigation star by Benchmark Litigation, dubbed as “Highly Regarded” on M&A by IFLR1000, included as one of the A list of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers by ABLJ, ranked Band 1 by Chambers on real estate and is noted “for his extensive experience in Indonesia’s real estate legal market.”

If you have any queries, you may contact us through query@lekslawyer.com, visit our website www.lekslawyer.com or blog.lekslawyer.com or visit our real estate law blogs i.e., www.hukumproperti.com and www.indonesiarealestatelaw.com

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